SIngapore Microscopy and Bioimage Analysis SIMBA:
User Policy
All users must read and accept the SIMBA/MBI user policy to get access to any microscope.
By acknowledging this document, you agree to abide by the following rules.
All users must be trained by the microscopy core staff before getting access to any microscope. All training requests must be submitted through PPMS. Separate training sessions are required for each microscope and users cannot train other users. Users must possess valid N3 licence before requesting for training, except for systems that do not require N3 licence for operation or are N3 exempted.
Once trained, users will be granted access rights as Novice users. Novice users are allowed to book the microscopes during peak hours (weekdays, 9am to 6pm). With sufficient experience, users can request to take the written and practical assessments for upgrade to autonomous rights.
It is compulsory to book the microscopes using the PPMS online booking system prior to use.
Each user is limited to 3 sessions per week for each system during peak hours, not including off-peak hours and weekends. For long term imaging on laser scanning confocal systems, kindly limit to a single overnight session (24hrs) and/or weekends. Direct bookings exceeding these limits will be subjected to cancellation, but users can request the core staffs for exceptional extra-access to some equipment.
Systems can be booked a maximum of 14 days in advance before the day of the experiments. You may cancel any time before the start of the session, but kindly practice proper planning to avoid last minute cancellation. If you wish to cancel your sessions after they have started (only for valid reasons), kindly approach the administrator to cancel any remaining sessions.
Please do not make system bookings on behalf of other users. In the event if you are swapping a session with another user, please update the bookings on PPMS.
Make sure your PI is aware of your usage and its cost. Ask the administrator for information or check online through the booking website. PIs will receive monthly usage statistics from the microscopy core.
Do note that your booking rights to each microscope system will automatically be deactivated if no booking/usage has been recorded for the past 180 days. Kindly contact the microscopy core staff should you wish to reinstate your booking rights.
If you book a system and do not show up, you will be charged in full for the booked hours.
You will not be charged if a microscope is not working or the problem prevented you from imaging your samples properly. In this case, you need to contact the system administrator as soon as possible.
Do not use gloves when operating the microscopes or the associated computers. You can manipulate your samples with gloves but remove them before touching any of the shared equipment.
No food or drinks are allowed in the microscope rooms. You are liable for any damage to the equipment resulting from having food and drinks in the microscope room.
Clean up the systems after each use. This includes removing and disposing the samples, proper cleaning of the objectives, picking up any trash on the desk and putting all the equipment in its original place. Do not leave your personal belongings in the rooms when you have finished. The facility is a shared space, please act accordingly.
If you damage the equipment, inform the system administrator as soon as possible either in person or by email. If you report the damage promptly, the facility will help pay for the damages and repairs and you will not lose access to the microscopes. In the event of recurrent damages from the same user, we will refer to the associated PI to share the cost. FAILURE TO REPORT DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF ACCESS TO THE FACILITY ON TOP OF CHARGES TO THE ASSOCIATED LAB TO COVER THE COST OF REPAIRS AND/OR REPLACEMENT PARTS.
Transfer the data to your designated folder onto the MBI server and kindly delete them from the local hard disk. Please do not use any personal USB drive or portable hard disks on the system computers. In the event of a shortage of computer storage, data older than 1 month will be deleted without prior notice. Users are responsible for their own data and no backups will be made by the microscopy core staff.
Please credit the SIMBA microscopy facility in your publications by mentioning it in the acknowledgements as this is important for the future of the facility. Authorship would be negotiated in case of a scientifically significant contribution.
For usage of system after office hours, you must inform your PI of your imaging session date(s) and time(s), as well as a Next-of-Kin/colleague. This if for safety reasons, in case an accident happens but no one is aware that you are working in the facility.